How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan?

How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan? As experienced Montana estate planning attorneys, we frequently receive inquiries about how often an estate plan should be updated. Ensuring that your estate plan is up-to-date and aligns with your current goals and family structure is crucial for securing your assets and


How Long Does Probate Take in Montana?

How Long Does Probate Take In Montana? Probate is a legal process that occurs after a person's death, in which their assets are identified, valued, and distributed to the appropriate parties. The length of time it takes to complete the probate process in Montana can vary significantly, depending on the


What is Guardianship?

As experienced estate planning attorneys, we understand that life can be unpredictable, and the need to protect our loved ones is paramount. One way to ensure that your family members are taken care of in the event you are unable to do so is by establishing a guardianship. This legal


What is a Healthcare Power of Attorney?

As Montana estate planning attorneys, we regularly encountered clients who have questions about healthcare powers of attorney (HCPOA). Many people are unaware of the importance of having a HCPOA in place and the role it plays in protecting their health and well-being. This article will provide an in-depth explanation of


What is a Health Care Power of Attorney?

  Montana Medical Power of Attorney Lawyers & Healthcare Proxy Attorneys A healthcare power of attorney allows your agent to make healthcare decisions for you when you are incapable of doing so. Let’s say for instance you go into surgery for just a simple knee surgery, but in the course


Montana Probate Lawyers & Estate Administration Attorneys

  How Does the Firm Help with Probate and Estate Administration? Probate and Estate Administration happen at a particularly difficult time; right after the loss of a loved one. Emotions are often high as a family is going through the grieving process. We understand. Our role is to take on


What Factors are Considered in Determining Parenting Time in Montana?

As experienced child custody and parenting time lawyers, we understand that navigating the complexities of custody arrangements and parenting time can be challenging for parents going through a separation or divorce. In Montana, the court's primary goal is to make decisions that are in the best interest of the child.
