How Long Does Probate Take in Montana? How Does the Firm Help Estate Administrators and Representatives in Probate?


As Montana probate lawyers, we are frequently asked “how long does probate take in Montana?”

The fact is, navigating the probate process after the passing of a loved one can be daunting. However, with the help of an experienced probate lawyer, this process and the time required can be minimized. At BKBH, we help simplify and expedite this crucial legal journey. Contact BKBH now for guidance.

How Long Does Probate Take in Montana?

In Montana, probate must be open for at least six months, and typically takes six months to two years depending on the estate’s intricacies.

What are the Phrases of Probate in Montana?

In Montana, the six essential phases of probate are:

  1. Initiation: This involves submitting an application to the court to appoint a personal representative. Normally if the decedent specified a person to fulfill that role in their will, that person will be approved by the court.  If a person has not been designated as an executor or administrator in a will, then other family members can apply to the court to be named to serve in this capacity.
  2. Notification: All legal heirs must be informed about the probate proceedings.
  3. Public Notice: A notice is published in local newspapers for three consecutive weeks to inform potential creditors.
  4. Inventory Creation: This is a comprehensive list detailing the deceased’s assets.
  5. Accounting: The court is informed about the asset distribution – be it sales and subsequent monetary distribution or direct inheritance of assets.
  6. Estate Closure: After all the steps are complete, an affidavit is filed to formally close the estate. However, the personal representative remains in position for an additional year to wrap up any residual matters, typically involving financial institutions.

How BKBH Can Help

As Montana probate attorneys, we have helped countless personal representatives through the probate process.  We know that clients will have many questions about their duties and specific matters that may arise; we will be by your side to help you at every step.

Probate, while essential, isn’t swift. Our mission at BKBH is to help you navigate this process systematically, preventing it from becoming a burden. Moreover, our rigorous approach ensures no step is overlooked, reducing the risk of potential disputes that may prolong the process, add to the costs, and escalate stress levels.

We Invite You to Call Us to Learn How We Can Help You in the Administration of Your Loved One’s Estate